Since the Vote was a Tie February 17, 2010 3-inch Blocks jelly rolls +0 Star PP Blocks 3-inch Blocks jelly rolls Star PP Blocks
Need Your Help One More Time Please February 13, 2010 3-inch Blocks jelly rolls +0 Star PP Blocks 3-inch Blocks jelly rolls Star PP Blocks
Only One Piece Left to the Puzzle February 11, 2010 3-inch Blocks jelly rolls +0 Star PP Blocks 3-inch Blocks jelly rolls Star PP Blocks
My Early Morning Ritual Inspired Valentine Pincushions February 02, 2010 denim projects +0 Valentine's Day denim projects Valentine's Day
I Made a Design Change in the Pink & Brown Star Quilt February 01, 2010 3-inch Blocks jelly rolls +0 Star PP Blocks 3-inch Blocks jelly rolls Star PP Blocks