Snowman Chair Covers?

It was not quite as easy as I expected to complete all the sections for Mr. Snowman.  I had three wrong pieces in this pre-assembly jigsaw, which I did not discover until I began sewing them all together. Tiny lettering of  bl2 and br2 are pretty hard to differentiate when you are  sewing along in a paper piecing daze--I had a blue tree trunk and a blue hand before I redid them.
But I finally figured it all out and got the 16-inch block finished.
Now I am thinking of making 5 more and turning them into chair covers for my dining room.  I pinned one on a different chair cover to get an idea of what it would look like. Hmmmm...perfect size....
I could use them for at least six weeks each year. It would be a lot of work to make five more and then make the covers, but I have 11 months to get them finished.   We shall see.

Aimee, is the gift box the polka dot fabric you were asking about?  If so, it came from Joanne's just a few weeks ago.  Since Joanne's is the only fabric store in my town, most of my fabric comes from there.

I hope everyone is enjoying the last few hours of their Christmas weekend.  I know I had a busy and fun weekend.  It feels good, though, to have it all over.  Now I can just sit at the computer and check out the blogs.


I love your snowman and love your idea of using him as a chair cover. Could you please tell me where I can find that pattern?
Heather said…
Wow, he is gorgeous. If it were me, I think would do him in fusible. I love what can be done with paper piecing , but have limited patience.
Remember 11 months comes pretty darn fast. I found that out when I pulled out the Christmas stockings and there wasn't one for Elizabeth. It was partically finished in the end table by my recliner. Too funny!
Love the snowman!
Marlene Brady said…
Stunning! Yes, you should do the dining chairs. How spectacular would that be! It is really, really beautiful.