Last night I made six more blocks to encircle the first house block.
So the center is now all sewn together.
For new readers, last week I did a computer mock up and I am working toward something like this:
You may have noticed that the center block is different from the example I showed earlier. I decided that I wanted more of the white polka dot fabric in the center so the white polka dot points looked like they belonged.
I really loved Gypsy Quilter's and Osage Bluff Quilter's suggestion to put a thin border around each house block. GQ even suggested orange, which I think would have been perfect. I think you were both right on target! However, that would have changed the block size and then the orange pointed star and the other blocks would not fit. Because I am too lazy to remake those, I am leaving the wonky houses unbordered.
I do plan to make a better redistribution of the colors when I actually sew the blocks on. The mock up used only the blocks I had finished and I had to make copies of the exact same houses.
West MI Quilter said she liked the white polka dots in all the corners. I am thinking I may do that, but I will make the white point larger in the last four corners. I like the orange blocks, but they take a long time to make. I am guessing that it took a good 1.5 hours to make the first four orange pointed blocks. I don't think I want to devote that much time to making four more. Maybe I can come up with something to incorporate a bit or orange as well as the white polka dot fabric.
It's always an adventure! Again thanks to everyone who commented. I really like getting input. I am not in a quilt guild, so this is my substitute.
Hope everyone has a week full of great quilting.
So the center is now all sewn together.
For new readers, last week I did a computer mock up and I am working toward something like this:
You may have noticed that the center block is different from the example I showed earlier. I decided that I wanted more of the white polka dot fabric in the center so the white polka dot points looked like they belonged.
I really loved Gypsy Quilter's and Osage Bluff Quilter's suggestion to put a thin border around each house block. GQ even suggested orange, which I think would have been perfect. I think you were both right on target! However, that would have changed the block size and then the orange pointed star and the other blocks would not fit. Because I am too lazy to remake those, I am leaving the wonky houses unbordered.
I do plan to make a better redistribution of the colors when I actually sew the blocks on. The mock up used only the blocks I had finished and I had to make copies of the exact same houses.
West MI Quilter said she liked the white polka dots in all the corners. I am thinking I may do that, but I will make the white point larger in the last four corners. I like the orange blocks, but they take a long time to make. I am guessing that it took a good 1.5 hours to make the first four orange pointed blocks. I don't think I want to devote that much time to making four more. Maybe I can come up with something to incorporate a bit or orange as well as the white polka dot fabric.
It's always an adventure! Again thanks to everyone who commented. I really like getting input. I am not in a quilt guild, so this is my substitute.
Hope everyone has a week full of great quilting.