Cupcake Log Cabin Blocks

I only did about an hour of sewing this weekend, which was just enough to add log cabin strips around these cupcake blocks that I made last week.

After reading Mary-Frances' post about strip piecing, on Outside the Line , I suddenly  had the desire to finish my blocks. I pulled out an old bag of 1.5-inch log cabins strips that I thought looked cupcakey. These colors remind me of sherbet--I guess a scoop of sherbet goes with a cupcake, right?
 I then found a bag of bluish colors and used them for the second side.

Here are the finished blocks:

So now I have the cupcake towel I made a week ago and these 4 cupcake things--not yet sure what they will be.

Oh, dear, I just noticed that I forgot all the cherry stems on the new blocks.  I will probably have to go back and add them tonight.


Mary-Frances said…
Zoey, your cupcake blocks and towels look scrumptious!
Diana LaMarre said…
Thanks, MF. They were fun to make.