Snowman Paper-Pieced Block is Underway

I was thrilled Saturday to get my Paper Panache patterns.  I decided to make the snowman first. Whoa---there are a lot of pieces to this 16-inch block- A to T  - I think that is 19 different sections.  These patterns come without the seam allowances, so I had to cut them all out and then add seam allowances to each piece  before I could even begin to sew.  That is a major task and I don't really like doing it. It set me back at least a day in beginning to sew.
Here are all 19 sections---I bet you are thinking that they don't look all that intimidating.

Finally this morning I was ready to begin sewing.  I only had about twenty minutes before I had to leave for work so I picked three pieces that should have been very easy to sew.  I guess I was trying to hurry too much because I made two mistakes and had to redo them!

Now that I am home from work, I am ready to sew a few more.  Here are the 3 completed sections and the 16 sections that still need sewing...

I think they  may look slightly more intimidating when viewed individually!  I just hope I don't continue to make silly errors like I did this morning! 


I can't wait to see Mr Snowman!!