Why, it's my just completed rose-in-the-heart handbag! I could not resist the photo opportunity the pink-flowering tree provided. As you can see in the photo below, this one is a shoulder bag.
I used the waistband of the pants as the side gussets--is that the correct term? Hmmm..not sure...anyway it's the side panels.
I am pretty happy with this bag, but it's not perfect. The next time I wear a pink jacket, I will carry this one, but I still need to work on the top closing. I like the magnetic closure, and I like seeing the lining on the open sides. But when it gets full of all that stuff we ladies carry, it tends to pull apart at the top. I should have put two more magnetic closures on the top before I did the lining. It's too late now, but I will remember that for the next one.