How old do you think this little packet of pearls is?
Hmmmm....at least the 1970's is my guess.
I was thrilled to be able to use these in my latest craze---hair ornaments.
You can see the denim flower petals I cut out. I used fray check on the edges, so there was no machine sewing involved in this project.
I did hand sew the pearls to the light denim.
I attached some pronged ruby jewels to the dark denim. .. no sewing--the prongs just bend over the jewel.
Then I put gold-glittered purple flower petals behind all of the denim and added a purple cloth covered button.........and....................
A flower hair accessory was finished.
Last week I made a couple other hair ornaments. I posted these in one of my other blogs, but I will repost here for those who don't read my other blogs.
They were so easy to make! I just cut out a flower shape in different sizes from a few different fabrics--two denim and one felt and layered them on top of each other. The only sewing was a few hand stitches to hold all the layers together and to sew the fabric-covered button on. In less than 30 minutes, I had this done:
Here's the green/denim as a lapel pin on a denim jacket atop a green shirt.
These hair flowers were all inspired by this one that I purchased a few weeks ago:
I looked it over and said, "I can do that!" These sell for $19.99. Can you believe it? I can make them for almost nothing!