Stacked and Ready to Sew

I am finally done piecing the tree skirt blocks. I must admit I am bored to death with these. I am not used to sewing the exact same fabrics in the exact positions in every block. Dullsville!

I decided to leave them stacked and experiment with the jelly roll. For a little pizazz, I added this very bold orange and pink fabric.
Whooo, that is bold!
I decided this big polka dot fabric needed to be in the center of the nine patch.

If I used it for anything else, I would have had to cut through the circles and it would have lost all its polka dot cuteness.
I tore a skinny strip of orange fabric to use in the center block as well as another solid brown I had in my stash.
I decided to use a very light pink polka dot for the background fabric. Here is the center block on top of the background fabric.

To carry on the circle theme, I tore another strip of the bold fabric to use as the connecting grid for all the blocks.
Here are all 9 3-inch blocks:

I am not yet sure how I will connect them. I need to make a few more and then I will begin playing with them all.
