It's a Good Thing I Have a Vision Exam After Work Today

Yesterday I was working on the elf blocks.

I completed two of them, ironed them and even took them out to the dining room to pin on the chair backs. I was testing them to see if I wanted to make holiday chair backs. Not until I tossed it down on the floor did I notice that the block next to the elf was sewn on wrong!

How could I have missed that? I have to pick it all out and resew it.

I am still not sure if these will become a table runner, chair backs or a tree skirt.


Betsy said…
Zoey , whatever it becomes I know it will be spectacular.
SewCalGal said…
I love your Elf blocks. I've never seen anything like this. Looks difficult, but very beautiful. You're going to love this quilt when it is finished. I know I would.

Mimi said…
Oh! Don't you just hate that. I have done that and not seen it until I have taken a picture of it and looked at it through the lenses eye. the one thing I hate to do is rip out, too. Glad you caught it before sewing blocks together though. They are very pretty.