After Much Ado, I'm Through......with the Piecing

I had enough fabric to make a second flying geese block. I had to use green on each end because I didn't have enough purple fabric. Because I used green for the extra border on the center block, I think the fact that I only had green left for the ends turned out to be a positive.

The center looks too small, but it's as good as it's going to get.

I am actually happy with it. I could have just tossed the ugly block in a drawer and moved on. Instead I chose to spend a little time turning it into something that I will use. That makes me feel good. The middle will be covered with a centerpiece and it's likely that a large candlestick will be in the center of each flying geese circle.

I will put it aside for a bit until I get the urge to line and back it. I think I am only going to do a minimum of quilting--just enough to hold it all together.

Sometime down the road you may see that the ugly duckling turned rather swan like as it sits proudly in the center of my dining room table.....perhaps that's a tad optimistic............we shall see.


Heather said…
love how this project has turned out.