Paper Pieced Book Cover

I've been making pieced book covers. I don't have a pattern, so I've been experimenting on my own.

This one seems to work nicely.

It even has a bookmark sewn in.

I made a few other samples before I decided the above worked best.

This one had two smaller blocks sewn together.

The only problem is if I want a good snug fit, I have to custom make them for each book. The spine is always a different size, depending on the number of pages.

I guess I could make a few at half inch intervals -- 1.5", 2", 2.5" spines, etc. That way I will always have one on hand for whatever size paperback I am reading.

The nice thing about them is I get my block piecing fix and the project gets finished the same day. Unlike my big quilts which take months or even years to make their way from my sewing room to the top of my bed.
