It Started as a Small Project

I thought I'd just make 4 blocks to use as a throw on the back of the sofa.

Somehow it turned into twelve blocks and it's 3 ft by 4 ft long! So now I will just have to add a border or two and it will be big enough to curl up with a good book on a lazy spring afternoon.

I like the pink bandana fabric in this block that I made before going to work this morning:

The center is almost identical to the whole block.

I wish had more of that bandana fabric for a border, but alas, I don't. I guess I should make the border so it finishes the pink square. Hmmm....will have to think about the options.

Can you tell that some of the green fabric in the center is wrong side up? I didn't think it was very noticeable, so I left it.
