9-Patch Rose Block

I only made 4 more rose blocks this week. In the beginning of a new quilt it's easy to go like crazy, but very soon the excitement fades if you are doing repetitious blocks. I need to renew my enthusiasm so whenever I had a free moment today, I was thinking about how I could incorporate the rose into a center block.

I couldn't wait to get home from work so I could try out my idea. What do you think of this 9-patch block? It's fairly large - 24 inches x 18 inches.

My idea is to start with this as a center block and then do something with courthouse steps log cabin blocks radiating from the center and the 100 roses for the border. That could be a problem since the block is not square. I could just make a bunch more of these blocks, but I don't really like qults made from a bunch of blocks in a row. I like the blocks to form a secondary all over design. I'm sorry, I realize many of you don't have a clue what I am talking about, so just disregard this part. I need it here so that I remember what my thoughts were!

At the moment, I think this 9-patch block is workable. I will let it sit for a day or so and then look at it later to see if it's still something I want to pursue.
