Red Rose Block and Potholders

I made this one last night. There are 28 pieces in just the red rose section.

This is my pinky fingernail to give you an idea of how small some of these pieces are. Quite by chance, my nail polish matches the rose color. Some days things just work out. LOL.

It's amazing what can be done with paper piecing! I like this block a lot. I am thinking it may make a very nice border for my next quilt. I think I will begin making dozens of these just to have them ready when I need another border. If I used it for the outer border (for a king-sized quilt) I would need about 80 of them. Hmm, that's a pretty lofty goal....maybe I will use for an inner border which would require a lot less of them.

Here are a couple of the potholders I've been making and the big trivet thing (to put large hot pans on) I made Thursday. I like them hanging on the china cabinet in my kitchen. I guess this really should be called a chicken cabinet since that is mostly what I have in it.
