Three Strikes.......and I'm Done for the Night!

I got home from work and felt like piecing another block for my table runner. I glanced over at the ugly block (I use that term fondly as I think this runner is going to turn out quite nice). At least I did at that moment.

I made a mental note that I needed a 12-inch pattern. Within minutes I found a pattern that I thought would be fun and quick to piece. Here is the first 6-inch finished block.

I made a total of four blocks in about an hour. I was feeling pretty good about my choice. I sewed them all together to form this circular flying geese block.
I like it! I am eager to see what it looks like next to the ugly block. I am thinking it's going to look pretty good.

As soon as I picked up the ugly block, my enthusiasm plummeted. I immediately realized that I had miscalculated the size of the ugly block---by 3 inches! You would think by now that I would know enough to measure twice and cut once--or at least measure it--I just thought it was 12 inches. I didn't even measure it.

After just a couple of seconds, I decided that it's no big deal. I will just add a border to make it a 12-inch block. (Yes, I hate that purple fabric--it must be a cotton blend to curl up like that. That's why I chose a different purple for the flying geese block).

I took the same purple as the flying geese block and added borders to all sides.

I think it now looks much better than the original block. . .and I am pretty pleased. ..until I place them atop each other to see how they fit... I have miscalculated again and I am 1/4-inch short on all sides.

O.K. no problem. I rip off a three-quarter inch strip to add another border. One inch into the sewing I realize that isn't going to work either. I did not take into consideration that I would be using up 1/4-inch for the seam on the finished block.

So now I am too bummed to do any more. I am also hungry. I guess I will find a little something for dinner and think about this tomorrow. I just hope I have enough of these fabrics to get a finished table runner. I never plan these things out. I just sew and hope for the best.

Do you all do that, too? Or do you plan everything in advance to make sure it will all work out?


Debbie said…
Zoey, you amaze me...I would have been so frustrated. I think it is going to look great if you can get it to all work out. I love the flying geese in the circle.

Being very new to quilting/sewing I plan and plan some more before I work because I am so afraid of messing it up too badly. I admire your willingness to go with the flow and work with what you have.
Zoey, your work is incredible. What a talent.. I just got home from work and saw you came for a visit by the shop. I'm so glad to have you. I hope you swing in again. hugs ~lynne~