Now that I Know Who Killed Genevieve, I Can get Back to My Quilting

I just finished reading my book and am feeling rather smug since I'd guessed the big surprise ending. I did not, however, know who the killer was until it was revealed. All in all, it was a good read.

I've been quietly working on the rose quilt blocks for the past 3 weeks or so and have finally finished enough for another border. I get a little bored making the exact same thing over and over so I have changed the flowers a bit. You can't tell from this picture, but most of these aren't even roses anymore.
They are not sewn together yet. I need to lay them all out on the bed first so I can see if the border will fall in the right place on the bed. It's a little tricky when the center is a rectangle rather than square.

I'll worry about all that later this weekend. Right now I need a big swig of A & W root beer!

Have a great evening.
