Scrap that Idea

I spent most of last evening working on six log cabin blocks for the rose quilt border. I got up at 5:30 a.m. and immediately started working on them again. By 6:30 a.m. I had decided they just didn't work.

Better to scrap the idea after only a few hours work than to continue and not be happy with the finished product. While I was making these, I watched Paula Dean's talk show. If my hands weren't continously busy under the sewing machine, I would have clicked the remote to another channel. That woman has become totally obnoxious, loud and downright vulgar. I counted at least four blatant sexual references. What a change her show has made since she got such an elevated sense of self worth.

Well, enough of that. Let's get back to qultin'!

After only a few minutes considering what to do in place of the rejected log cabin border, the ideal solution appeared. It would take no work at all because I already had all the blocks sewn. Hmmmmmm, would they really work? I grabbed them and started putting them all around the center.

Voila! I can't believe how perfect it is! I am one happy camper this morning.
