Valentine Paper Pieced Block

Last weekend I was in the mood to sew. I pulled out a Paper Panache free mystery block from last year (#64).

I chose these fabrics:

A few minutes later, I had the beginning of a heart flower Valentine block:

After about two hours I ended up with this delightful addition to  my  Valentine quilt blocks:
A potted heart flower! I liked it so much I made a second block on Sunday, which is slightly different:
DH and I don't do Valentine gifts any more, so this is my gift to myself.  I like it so much better than chocolates!



Happy heart day . . . We will do what we have done for the past 4 decades. I get a heart shaped box of chocolates and he gets a bag of maple nut goodies, and burnt peanuts!
Linda said…
Hi Zoey, I found your blog today. Wow, I absolutely love your header! Greetings from Montreal, Canada.
Diana LaMarre said…
Greetings, Linda. Thanks for stopping by.

Patti, I love that tradition you and the blacksmith have!