The Tropical Love Birds are Finished

This is definitely not a beginner's block!

 I had quite a few little problems with fabric placement on this block. Some I just left incorrect because the greens are only a shade apart anyway, some I gel-penned over, like this yellow that should be green  and I ripped out a couple of sections and redid them.  I was afraid I would have to throw this out after all the hours I had put into in.  But I think it looks OK now.

I am not sure what I will do with it.

For the past week or so I have been having a problem with thumbnails not showing up for my posts. I have discovered that the first image of my post must be put in under the "Edit HTML" tab.  It seems Blogger is having some problems.   I inserted the first image under the "compose" mode and nothing was showing up.  After I inserted the same image while in "Edit HTML", it works.  I decided to amend this post with this info in case anybody else is having the same problem.


Carol G said…
I think it looks great and I like your inventive way of changing a yellow to green! I have been ripping out quite a bit myself today and decided it was time to take a break.
I love your birds. They make me think it will be a while before I could tackle something like this. They are lovely.
Bro. AJK said…
I saw this and immediately recognized the background as the same material I used to bind one of my quilts - which I hand-quilted!
Quilter Kathy said…
These are beautiful birds...and what complex paper piecing!