This Smells Like a Scam

Yesterday I received this box of 3 books (2 are on backorder), a tote bag and a cloth picture frame with a welcome-to-the-club letter.

I never joined this craft book club. I immediately called the customer service number.

The CSR that I spoke with did not blink an eye when I told her I did not order these. With no questions whatsoever, she said she would remove the charges from my name. She said I could just keep or donate the books. I ask how this could happen. She said that someone had gotten my information and subscribed me. Hmmmmm....I asked if was on the internet...she said, "No, it was through the mail." She said it was on July 20.

So supposedly someone subscribed me and ordered quilting books and a bird book....not knitting books, or crocheting did this person know my interests?

A few years ago I was with this company just long enough to fulfill my commitment. I ordered some quilting books and a paper-pieced bird block quilting book. Coincidence? I doubt it. I think this is an inside job and this club is doing this on purpose in hopes that people will just accept it and pay the bill.

Has this happened to anyone else out there?

Speaking of books, I just stopped by the library to pick up the latest Jennifer Chiaverini book. I am looking forward to a good read, so I hope it does not disappoint.


Sewing Junkie said…
I would almost ask for a return mailing label from them and send them back. Then ask to speak to a supervisor and ask how this happened. There was a magazine sceam several years ago and my then DIL had over $500 in charges placed agains a debit card she had used on a previous payment. Never got the magazines and she had to pay the bill because her debit card was used and not a credit card. Chris
Anya said…
Oh, yes, I'll bet they were hoping you'd just pay the bill. Shame, shame, shame. Don't send them back. They sent them to you (even though they won't admit it) without your authorization, so you have no obligation to pay or to return them.
bettyp said…
I think your right !Its a scam!!I did have that happen to me but it wasn't quilting books(darn) it was cooking magazines .I called and they told me to keep it and they didn't charge me anything . Yea,its a bait & hook sort of thing......
Chris said…
I'm having a similar experience with a charity I donated to once upon a time. I made the donation to help feed hungry people. I was then asked to donate to feed the people's dogs and cats! This organization plagues me with solicitations by email, US mail and telephone. I'm quite certain the cost of the resulting solicitation far exceeds the $20.00 I donated!
GaAm said…
It happened to me once with one of those music-through-the-mail companies, but we know who sent in the request. It wasn't the company. We called and they cancelled and let us keep the stuff that was sent to us.
agreenearth said…
What good advice you have been given. I also hate it when this happens.
Tiffanee said…
Total scam. Good that you picked up on it.