What's That in My Flowering Cherry Tree?

Why, it's my just completed rose-in-the-heart handbag! I could not resist the photo opportunity the pink-flowering tree provided. As you can see in the photo below, this one is a shoulder bag.

Here is a close up of the lacy flap.

I lined it in the burgundy color of the rose.

I used the waistband of the pants as the side gussets--is that the correct term? Hmmm..not sure...anyway it's the side panels.
First I cut off the belt loops and used two of them to attach the shoulder strap. The waist band worked great as side gussets because the band was already sturdy with double fabric and interfacing.

I am pretty happy with this bag, but it's not perfect. The next time I wear a pink jacket, I will carry this one, but I still need to work on the top closing. I like the magnetic closure, and I like seeing the lining on the open sides. But when it gets full of all that stuff we ladies carry, it tends to pull apart at the top. I should have put two more magnetic closures on the top before I did the lining. It's too late now, but I will remember that for the next one.


Heather said…
Absolutely love what grows in your tree. The green band that you added below the heart/rose sets off the heart and rose perfectly.
Gayle said…
Oh, the bag is beautiful and what a gorgeous tree! :-)
Quilter Kathy said…
Lovely bag! And awesome photos of it in the pretty tree!
Elaine said…
Your photography is creative and a very cute bag. It's amazing how blossom and bag have same pinks.
Your tree is gorgeous! And the bag looks great!