Which Layout?

I finally have all of the star blocks finished. Now I just need to make one center and the 20+ blocks for the edges. But before I can do that, I need to decide which layout to use.

This one with the larger pink stars and the smaller orange stars?

Or this one with a mix of orange/pink large stars?

I would like it if you would post a vote in the comments to help me decide.


Betsy said…
Zoey they both look great but I will go with the top picture.
Dorothy B said…
I like the first layout. The second gets too busy for my liking.
SallyC said…
First one grabbed me right away!
Anya said…
I like the first one better...I agree with Dorothy that the second is a bit busy.
Peggy said…
Hi - they looks great - but I'm drawn to the first one also. Not sure how good of a quilter you are - but the empty white squares in the 2nd one would need something fancy - and I wouldn't know how to do that!
Gypsy Quilter said…
I like the bottom one, A LOT! But either way it will be lovely.
Quilt Rat said…
hmmmmm tough choice but I think I like the top one best
Michele said…
I'm going to vote for the first pic. That layout is very nicely dispersed - there's a lot of interest across the top.

In the 2nd pic there is a ton going on with the big stars but then the white squares are just very bare.

The first one is much sharper.
Can't wait to see it done.
Moneik said…
I really like the first one the best. It isn't so busy.
Heather said…
I think the first one is too busy, there are no resting spots. The second had the more complex star, the the brown borders with the blank square in the middle give some place for your eyes to rest. I vote for the second.
Paige said…
I love the second one. It shows off those big beautiful stars! What an awesome quilt!