Last night I finished piecing this.
Here is the pattern. It's block 180 from Carol Doak's book, 300 Paper Pieced Quilt Blocks (another great pattern book). I modified the end blocks so the white cross pattern would end complete and added the triangle ends.
Doesn't it look different when using just two colors?
I like this one.
What a great start to the weekend. I also spent time outside raking and doing other spring garden chores. When I was done, I toasted my efforts with a glass of blueberry wine.
Here I am celebrating the fact that I still have some tulips that the deer have not eaten. I sprayed all of them with a repellent (for the second time this week).
I predict a great weekend. Hope yours is to.
I promised I would show the finished table when I used the pinwheel tablerunner and chair covers that I made last week. I did a table yesterday.
I posted more about it on this post at my tablescaping blog.
Here is the pattern. It's block 180 from Carol Doak's book, 300 Paper Pieced Quilt Blocks (another great pattern book). I modified the end blocks so the white cross pattern would end complete and added the triangle ends.
Doesn't it look different when using just two colors?
I like this one.
What a great start to the weekend. I also spent time outside raking and doing other spring garden chores. When I was done, I toasted my efforts with a glass of blueberry wine.
Here I am celebrating the fact that I still have some tulips that the deer have not eaten. I sprayed all of them with a repellent (for the second time this week).
I predict a great weekend. Hope yours is to.
I promised I would show the finished table when I used the pinwheel tablerunner and chair covers that I made last week. I did a table yesterday.
I posted more about it on this post at my tablescaping blog.