I have accumulated quite a stack of blocks.
I've been sewing them the past few months and tossing them in a pile.
As I ran out of whatever fabric I used for the background, I started another batch with a different background color.
I really had no plan on what to do with them. I just made them for the pure pleasure of trying out new color combinations.
Tonight I took the pile and started playing around with them to see what I could make.
From the three stacks above, I came up with this:
I don't have quite enough border blocks done. I have very little of the green fabric left, but I did a quick calculation and I think I may have just enough to make the 25 border blocks I need.
I will just keep sewing and stacking and one day I will put them together into something. It may end up being something totally different than this. I never know what I am making until it's done.
I've been sewing them the past few months and tossing them in a pile.
As I ran out of whatever fabric I used for the background, I started another batch with a different background color.
I really had no plan on what to do with them. I just made them for the pure pleasure of trying out new color combinations.
Tonight I took the pile and started playing around with them to see what I could make.
From the three stacks above, I came up with this:
I don't have quite enough border blocks done. I have very little of the green fabric left, but I did a quick calculation and I think I may have just enough to make the 25 border blocks I need.
I will just keep sewing and stacking and one day I will put them together into something. It may end up being something totally different than this. I never know what I am making until it's done.